Kocak Tapi Gak Tega Ketawa: 20 Ekspresi Siswa Pas Suntik Imunisasi

We live in a fast pace society and that includes technology development. Technology can be a great tool to make our lives much easier in...

11 Potret Manis Penappa Naebchid yang Viral Lewat Lagu "Wik Wik Wik"

It is not a secret that buying, owning, and maintaining a car costs a significant amount of money. Especially now, when gas prices are hig...

10 Editan Kocak Artis Jadi Kasir Minimarket, Mau Dong Dilayani!

I don't know about you, but my social media feed has been filled with back to school photos from family and friends. My kids are old...